The first trailer for the SATC2 movie was released yesterday! Here it is, get ready to Carrie on...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tequila isn't pregnant (yet)...
Although Tila Tequila just announced on Twitter that she was pregnant (read original story HERE), she actually isn't (yet). She just told Life & Style that what she meant to say is: "I'm about to be. When I tweeted that, I figured there's not enough space in the 140 characters. I'm going to give him a Christmas present that's going to change his life." Apparently she didn't realize that typing "Im pregnant!!!!" could be mis-construed by people to believe she is pregnant. Silly people. What "Im pregnant!!!!" really means is, "Im going to be pregnant soon. Hopefully. If all goes well." She also failed to realize that although you have a 140 max on Twitter, you can post more than one tweet at a time (a la Sarah Palin). She also told the online mag "I don't have time to take care of a real baby of my own -- not yet however -- I feel I am very ready to experience the whole pregnancy process but without having to actually have the baby as mine, my own to take care of." Wow. She wants to go through the whole pregnancy to NOT have a baby. Interesting concept. She wants to suffer through nine months of sore backs, morning sickness and no drinking / partying just for fun...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Satellite Awards winners...
The winners were announced in the (un)watched 14th annual Satellite Awards this past Sunday. While the awards aren't a major player, they definitely help films as they pick up steam for the major awards. The major contenders for the Oscars and the Globes were all present, and the winners may show us a preview of what will happen with the Academy in March. The highlights include Best Picture Drama: The Hurt Locker, Best Picture Comedy or Musical: Nine, and Best Animated film: Fantastic Mr. Fox. Up in the Air strangely only walked away with one award as Best Score. The actor awards went to Shohreh Aghdashloo for The Stoning of Soroya M, Jeremy Renner for The Hurt Locker, Meryl Streep for Comedy Julie & Julia, and Michael Shahlbarg for Comedy A Serious Man. Shoe-in winners for supporting acting Oscars Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds, and Mo’Nique for Precious walked away with awards. In TV, Breaking Bad won Best Drama and Glee won Best Comedy or Musical. See the full list of winners after the jump...
Pray for Tila Tequila's baby...
Tila Tequila and her fiance Casey Johnson. Two classy ladies.
That's right. Tila Tequila is pregnant. The famous bi-disgusting, celeb-wannabe, reality-show-tart is pregnant. Pray for her poor baby. Tequila made the announcement on Twitter saying, "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I am going to become a SURROGATE MOTHER for my brother & his Wife!!! That is my xmas present to them. Im pregnant!!!!" I hope they knew about it and weren't actually surprised. That would be a "xmas present" they would want to return...
Watch out Twitter, Michael Lohan is here...
Only one person in the whole world could be more of a train wreck than Lindsay Lohan, and that is her father, Michael Lohan. The Twitteratti are all on fire today due to one thing, Michael Lohan has joined the social networking sight! Before you know it, there will be more Twitter stories to follow, as well as a massive blow-up feud between Lindsay and her father happening right before our very eyes. For now, however we must console ourselves with his first few tweets, "This is the Real Michael Lohan--all others who pretend to be me are frauds. Upon my attorney's advice, I have opened this account." Who are his attorneys?! And why would they ever advise someone with a track record of saying such outrageous things to sign up for Twitter? Will we ever know...
Michael has set to finding all the "fake" Michael Lohan's on Twitter and scaring them with tweets like, "@TheMichaelLohan I don't know who you are but my attorneys and Twitter will find out. You're looking at civil and criminal charges shortly" and leaving a post on Lindsay's page that says "@LindsayLohan Hi Honey-THis is my real twitter now, it's Dad. Love you." Somehow, coming from him, that's creepy. All other posts are yawn inducing about how he is "reading scriptures" or "going to the gym". Only time will tell how long we have to wait for him to set all of Twitter on fire with a huge scandal though, and WEZ Candy will be waiting...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Rest in peace Brittany Murphy...
Brittany Murphy passed away yesterday at 32 years old in her LA home. The medical experts say her death appears to be from natural causes, and her family released a statement saying she was sick with flu like symptoms a few days before she passed. "The sudden loss of our beloved Brittany is a terrible tragedy," Murphy's husband and family wrote in a statement. "She was our daughter, our wife, our love, and a shinning star. We ask you to respect our privacy at this difficult time." The star is best known for her roles in Clueless and 8 Mile, but was also featured in Happy Feet, the TV cartoon King of the Hill (over 230 episodes), and Girl, Interrupted. Condolences to all affected by Brittany's death... may she rest in peace.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Jude Law forgets how many children he has...
Jude Law was on David Letterman yesterday and failed to remember how many children he has. Yes. That's right... he gave Letterman the wrong number of children. In a move that has earned him a nomination for the prestigious WEZ Candy Father of the Year award, Jude Law said that he has three children when asked "how many kids?" by Letterman when he actually has four. To be fair, the fourth child was just born in September. When his ex-girlfriend first claimed that he was the father, Law disputed it, but eventually acknowledged his paternity and said that he wanted "to be a fully supportive part of the child's life." Apparently supporting the child is not the same as counting them...
Friday, December 18, 2009
First look at Shrek 4 and Runaways movie trailers...
In your new movie trailer roundup, a first look at Shrek 4 - Forever After and the Runaways was just released. The Runaways features Kristen Stewart as rocker Joan Jett and Dakota Fanning Cherie Curie. The film will feature Stewart trying to break out of looking sulky and playing boring characters, and will feature both young stars singing. The trailer and whole concept sounds: Boring! Watch below...
Just in case you didn't think Shrek 2 and 3 (and the musical) ruined the franchise, they are back with more pop culture comedy to roll your eyes at. The teaser looks cute, but the trailers are always deceiving for these pictures. They look cute and funny, but when you see the whole film, you realize all the funny parts were crammed into one 3minute trailer (did you see Shrek 3?). They promise us this will be the last Shrek, so hopefully it comes close to being as good as the first...
Just in case you didn't think Shrek 2 and 3 (and the musical) ruined the franchise, they are back with more pop culture comedy to roll your eyes at. The teaser looks cute, but the trailers are always deceiving for these pictures. They look cute and funny, but when you see the whole film, you realize all the funny parts were crammed into one 3minute trailer (did you see Shrek 3?). They promise us this will be the last Shrek, so hopefully it comes close to being as good as the first...
dakota fanning,
kristen stewart,
Movie News,
New trailer,
shrek 4,
Full list of SAG Noms...
The SAG award nominations came out yesterday morning. Is your head spinning yet? So many nominations in one week, and the Oscar noms are still a month away! Things are looking good for Up in the Air, Precious and Inglorious Basterds, each leading with 3 nominations. While the globes passed on An Education, it got nominated for the top prize at SAG. The Hurt Locker is also having a good run this awards season. In TV, almost all was the same as the Globes, except the addition of The Good Wife. With all the nominations coming out so early, it seems like the buzz will have some time to cool off and perhaps the academy will be less likely to feel swayed by another awards show. Read the full list of nominees after the jump...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Sarah Palin blacks out McCain...
Sarah Palin is on vacation in Hawaii this week and in true white trash fashion, she was wearing a sun visor, shorts and an over-sized t-shirt with an American flag on it. In an obvious effort to stay in the news, her visor was a McCain 08 campaign hat that she took a sharpie permanent marker to. That's right, she blacked out McCain's name. A new low, even for Palin...
This story was originally posted on TMZ, click HERE to go there and see the story.
This story was originally posted on TMZ, click HERE to go there and see the story.
Chris Brown may hit you too if you don't buy his CD...
Chris Brown isn't that sorry, but he still wants you to buy his CD.
Brown quits Twitter,
Chris Brown,
Music news,
Kenny Ortega to direct In the Heights...
The hit Broadway musical In the Heights is going to be making the jump from stage to screen and Universal has named Kenny Ortega as the director for the project. His previous films include the High School Musical movies and Michael Jackson's This Is It. Does hearing that the High School Musical director is behind the wheel of In the Heights: the Movie turn your stomach a little bit? Yeah. Hopefully it will be OK though, the show's creator and star, Lin-Manuel Miranda is producing and starring in the film. Quiara Alegria Hudes who wrote the book for the musical is also working on the screen play. With the right people and the right material, maybe the HSM director can give us a book musical worth seeing...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
New Alice in Wonderland trailer...
Disney released a new trailer for Alice in Wonderland today and it is amazing! Momentum is building for this picture, and from the looks of the trailers and screen shots, it's going to be as good as the hype. See the trailer below...
Megan Mullally sings butter...
Megan Mullally is the new spokesinger for I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. In an obvious face lift on advertising, the fake butter giant also hired choreographer Tyce Diorio for the commercial. He choreographed the dance and also appears in the spot. Megan is dancing and singing a newly recorded version of "Turn the Beat Around" except the words are changed to "Turn the TUB Around". Get it? It's like beat, but it's tub because butter comes in tubs. And if you turn the tub around it has the nutrition facts. Ugh... Poor Megan! After seeing the spot below, you have to hope that she is making TONS of money to do this... Really? Really Megan? Dancing and singing about butter? From Emmy winner to this...
Britney's "3" Music Video gets a Director's Cut...
The Director's Cut of Britney Spear's number 1 hit single 3 was just leaked on line and it is WAY better than the original! It features a lot more Britney (see the original video HERE), it's a little racier and has a lot more dancing. There's even a whole scene and costume that weren't in the original. Brit looks amazing, and is having so much fun! Check it out, it's so hot...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Full list of Golden Globe Noms...
The Golden Globe nominations came out this morning and showed an unusually wide array of nominees. The only clear runners were Up in the Air and Nine with 6 and 5 nominations respectively. Others at the top of the list were Avatar and Inglorious Basterds each with 4, and Precious with 3 including a best picture drama nod for each. Avatar is a surprise nod as the reviews have been very mixed for the technologically advanced film. Sandra Bullock was nominated in both the Best Actress Comedy and Best Actress Drama categories for her work in The Proposal and The Blind Side. Other actors with two nods are Matt Damon (Invictus and The Informant!), and Meryl Streep (twice in Best Actress Comedy for Julie & Julia and It's Complicated) - really, do these nominations even mean anything to her anymore? Other crowd favorites with nominations are The Hangover, (500) Days of Summer, and Up. TV nominations for Mad Men, True Blood, Glee and 30 Rock.
The awards season is heating up and with so many contenders, the Oscars this year could go to anyone, especially now that they upped the Best Picture category to 10 films. See the full list of Golden Globe nominees after the jump...
The awards season is heating up and with so many contenders, the Oscars this year could go to anyone, especially now that they upped the Best Picture category to 10 films. See the full list of Golden Globe nominees after the jump...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Lohan is under fire for her tweets about saving children...
Lindsay Lohan tweeted that she saved 40 children from human trafiking in India less than 6 hours after she landed in the country to work on her BBC documentary. (READ THE ORIGINAL STORY HERE) This tweet has many officials outraged though. They say Lohan wasn't even there when the children were freed, and that the effort took months to coordinate. Bhuwan, one of the lawyers who worked tirelessly to free these children, told London's Telegraph that the work actually happened before Lohan even landed in India. There weren't any BBC cameras on the scene either. The children were freed from child labor workshops where they worked from 8am to 1am making ornaments. Some of the children were as young as 7. The twitter message from Lindsay made it seem like you could just fly to India and start saving children. Bhuwan said, "She was not even in the country when this raid happened, (...) would Lohan know where these workshops are?"
A rep from BBC released this statement: "We would like to stress that she did not say she was present at the raid, this is a misinterpretation." OK, OK, so she didn't say she was present, but she did infer it. Read it for yourself HERE. Meanwhile, Li Lo is back in the states and has returned to her Twittering ways. But this time she's talking about things she knows like, "LOVE Beyoncé", and asking where's "Timbaland's cred?" Perhaps she should be asking about her cred...
A rep from BBC released this statement: "We would like to stress that she did not say she was present at the raid, this is a misinterpretation." OK, OK, so she didn't say she was present, but she did infer it. Read it for yourself HERE. Meanwhile, Li Lo is back in the states and has returned to her Twittering ways. But this time she's talking about things she knows like, "LOVE Beyoncé", and asking where's "Timbaland's cred?" Perhaps she should be asking about her cred...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
CBS says Happy Holidays with a pap smear...
CBS is wishing everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah with an outrageous set of PSAs. The PSAs are asking male viewers to call the Dr. and schedule a pap smear for their "woman". The ads feature Josh Pais and Chris Beetem (neither appear in a CBS show). After seeing the ads on TV, you may scratch your head in shock, "is this a joke?!" But no, these ads are real! Maybe if there were women in the ad rather than men, it would be less offensive, but perhaps that's the sacrifice they had to make for the sake of a good Christmas joke. Take a look below...
Now you finally know what to get that special woman in your life! Just what she always looks forward to... a trip to the gyno! These ads may have the right idea (pap smears save lives) but in the end the delivery is offensive and laughable.
Now you finally know what to get that special woman in your life! Just what she always looks forward to... a trip to the gyno! These ads may have the right idea (pap smears save lives) but in the end the delivery is offensive and laughable.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sex and the City, 2 touched up...
SATC will be back on the big screen in 6 months and the studio has just released the first teaser poster for the much anticipated sequel. In this age of digital touch-ups and photo shopping prints however, is the image too perfect? Many bloggers are crying foul over the image which has SJP's skin smoothed out and an obvious lift in her chest. Take a look...
Whatever you may think, you have to hand it to the 44 year old star - she looks amazing! Even in un-touched-up real life, she shimmers. Take a look at her from the premier of Did You Hear About the Morgans? and a shot from the set of SATC2 (wearing the same outfit as the promo poster)...
Seeing her in real life compared to the poster version, what do you think? Did the producers go too far in touching up the image for the poster?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Lindsay Lohan saves 40 children while twittering...
Although the bonafide hot mess Linsay Lohan has never made the sweet pages of WEZ Candy (she's too sticky), the time has come. The failed movie star / lesbian / TV star / pop star / clothes designer has decided to get out of the lime light and go to India to work with children. Probably a good idea for the star... she needs something to ground her. She landed in India yesterday, and only 6 hours later was already twittering about the good deeds she was doing! "Over 40 children saved so far... Within one day's work... This is what life is about... Doing THIS is a life worth living!!!" That's right. FORTY children saved because Lindsay stepped in. Wow. That's amazing. Thank God La Lohan was there...
The real purpose for the trip is to film a documentary on human trafficking of women and children with BBC. And to all the nay-sayers, people that don't believe she could have possibly saved 40 children in such a short time, she tweeted, "Focusing on celebrities and lies is so disconcerting, when we can be changing the world one child at a time.... hope everyone can see that." Probably the smartest thing she has EVER said...
Hopefully Lindsay realizes the problem with human trafficking is it doesn't go away once you save 40 children and make a documentary. It would be nice to see her make a real stand for good...
The real purpose for the trip is to film a documentary on human trafficking of women and children with BBC. And to all the nay-sayers, people that don't believe she could have possibly saved 40 children in such a short time, she tweeted, "Focusing on celebrities and lies is so disconcerting, when we can be changing the world one child at a time.... hope everyone can see that." Probably the smartest thing she has EVER said...
Hopefully Lindsay realizes the problem with human trafficking is it doesn't go away once you save 40 children and make a documentary. It would be nice to see her make a real stand for good...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
High School Musical star headed to Broadway...
Corbin Bleu will be heading uptown to Washington Heights. Well on Broadway that is. The High School Musical actor will be taking over the star role of Usnavi created by Lin-Manuel Miranda in the hit show In the Heights on Broadway. The 20 year old will be in the show for 13 weeks only starting on January 25th.
The producers of the show have admitted the announcement is a ploy for ticket sales, and it's working! Everyone who hasn't seen the show is rushing to buy tickets for shows BEFORE the 25th of January! But in all actuality, the young star may have what it takes. Here's a music video from his 2009 CD, Speed of Light:
The producers of the show have admitted the announcement is a ploy for ticket sales, and it's working! Everyone who hasn't seen the show is rushing to buy tickets for shows BEFORE the 25th of January! But in all actuality, the young star may have what it takes. Here's a music video from his 2009 CD, Speed of Light:
Strange, spiraling lights baffle Norway...
There were un-explained lights over Norway this morning. They baffled everyone who witnessed them spiraling in the sky, and they lasted around 2minutes before disappearing. Experts have said the lights are not part of the Aurora Borealis, and were most likely a failed missile launch. Truls Lynne Hansen, a Tromsø Geophysical Observatory researcher is confident that it was a missile (possibly from Russia) that lost it's way and the spiral was due to light reflecting off of leaking fuel. Other reports have simply stated the cause of the lights is unknown. Watch them below and see for yourself...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A Taste of Dreamgirls...
Dreamgirls is playing at the world famous Apollo Theatre in New York City before heading out on the road across America and playing a month in Tokyo. The production features amazing singing, beautiful costumes and a razzle dazzle set that is sure to make every fan of the show jump to their feet!
The Sweet:
Nearly the entire cast has a voice to die for and they all know how to use it. The stand out numbers like "Dreamgirls", "I Am Changing", "One Night Only", and of course "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" are all executed with precision and soul. On Sunday, the understudy for Effie (Patrice Covington) was on for her first time and she was truly spectacular. She navigated her first performance with ease and confidence - it seemed as though she had been performing the role from the beginning. She had the perfect mix of grace and power, and her voice blew the roof off the Apollo!
The real stand out in the show is Chester Gregory as James "Thunder" Early (Jimmy). His performance demanded attention and any time he was on, he was the only person you could see. His show stopping "Jimmy's Got Soul" was a riot and his final scene with Lorrell was acted with heart-breaking clarity and depth - no other moment in the show was so affecting.
The design for the show featured more glitter and glitz than you can imagine, but never went too far. The set, lights and costumes all contributed to the show and moved seamlessly from scene to scene. The moments that the performers were video taped live and projected on the set worked especially well.
The Sour:
Probably the biggest problem with the show is the material. It's a show that has countless numbers, yet only 5 or 6 are worth remembering. The run-time felt a little long and the audience was getting a bit restless towards the end, which could have been helped by cutting some of the weaker numbers, or simply shortening them. "Steppin' to the Bad Side" especially stuck out as awkward with it's theme park choreography and extended dance break.
The ensemble is very strong in the show, and most, if not all of them have very difficult tracks to cover, it would have been nice to see some stronger dances though. The choreography was never flashy and looked a bit elementary and repetitive at times. It did seem to fit the time period, but could have used some stronger, flashier dances to spice up the weaker numbers.
The problem with a show coming out only a few years after such a well-received movie, is it has to top the film or change it in some way to justify the new production. This show doesn't quite accomplish that, it only reaches the same level. It's very good, but it doesn't have an emotional resonance that you can only have from a live show. It seems the director, Robert Longbottom, spent a lot of time making the show look and sound good, and not enough time making sure it had heart. This results in moments of dis-engagement. Just sitting back and listening to good singers and not feeling the heart of the story.
WEZ Sez:
Go see Dreamgirls at the Apollo or anywhere in the USA! It is exciting and well performed - you will be entertained. This production is especially good for fans of the show / film who would like to see it sung live. Just don't expect to see a show that makes you think anything other than "those performers blew the roof off!"
It's at the Apollo until Saturday night. Seven more chances to see it in NYC. You can get $25 rush tickets on the day of the show. Click HERE for the tour schedule.
The Sweet:
Nearly the entire cast has a voice to die for and they all know how to use it. The stand out numbers like "Dreamgirls", "I Am Changing", "One Night Only", and of course "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" are all executed with precision and soul. On Sunday, the understudy for Effie (Patrice Covington) was on for her first time and she was truly spectacular. She navigated her first performance with ease and confidence - it seemed as though she had been performing the role from the beginning. She had the perfect mix of grace and power, and her voice blew the roof off the Apollo!
The real stand out in the show is Chester Gregory as James "Thunder" Early (Jimmy). His performance demanded attention and any time he was on, he was the only person you could see. His show stopping "Jimmy's Got Soul" was a riot and his final scene with Lorrell was acted with heart-breaking clarity and depth - no other moment in the show was so affecting.
The design for the show featured more glitter and glitz than you can imagine, but never went too far. The set, lights and costumes all contributed to the show and moved seamlessly from scene to scene. The moments that the performers were video taped live and projected on the set worked especially well.
The Sour:
Probably the biggest problem with the show is the material. It's a show that has countless numbers, yet only 5 or 6 are worth remembering. The run-time felt a little long and the audience was getting a bit restless towards the end, which could have been helped by cutting some of the weaker numbers, or simply shortening them. "Steppin' to the Bad Side" especially stuck out as awkward with it's theme park choreography and extended dance break.
The ensemble is very strong in the show, and most, if not all of them have very difficult tracks to cover, it would have been nice to see some stronger dances though. The choreography was never flashy and looked a bit elementary and repetitive at times. It did seem to fit the time period, but could have used some stronger, flashier dances to spice up the weaker numbers.
The problem with a show coming out only a few years after such a well-received movie, is it has to top the film or change it in some way to justify the new production. This show doesn't quite accomplish that, it only reaches the same level. It's very good, but it doesn't have an emotional resonance that you can only have from a live show. It seems the director, Robert Longbottom, spent a lot of time making the show look and sound good, and not enough time making sure it had heart. This results in moments of dis-engagement. Just sitting back and listening to good singers and not feeling the heart of the story.
WEZ Sez:
Go see Dreamgirls at the Apollo or anywhere in the USA! It is exciting and well performed - you will be entertained. This production is especially good for fans of the show / film who would like to see it sung live. Just don't expect to see a show that makes you think anything other than "those performers blew the roof off!"
It's at the Apollo until Saturday night. Seven more chances to see it in NYC. You can get $25 rush tickets on the day of the show. Click HERE for the tour schedule.
Shakespeare in the Park announces season...
Summer is just around the bend! Well not really, but we do have a lot to look forward to with the new Shakespeare in the Park season being announced yesterday! The Public Theatre's 2010 season will feature the Merchant of Venice and A Winter's Tale and will run from June 9 to August 1st. The shows will run in rep which hasn't happened since 1991. It will be exciting to see the same cast perform two different shows on alternating nights! The headliner of the season is Al Pacino (age, 69) who will only appear in Merchant of Venice as Shylock. The other cast members will appear in both productions. They include: Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Jesse L. Martin, Lily Rabe, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, and Max Wright. The shows will be directed by: Daniel Sullivan (Merchant) and Michael Greif (Winter's).
Of course if you want a sneak peek at Al Pacino as Shylock, all you have to do is Netflix the film 2004 film version of Merchant of Venice co-starring Jeremy Irons. It's entertaining enough... but it will be much better to see it live on stage...
Of course if you want a sneak peek at Al Pacino as Shylock, all you have to do is Netflix the film 2004 film version of Merchant of Venice co-starring Jeremy Irons. It's entertaining enough... but it will be much better to see it live on stage...
Homeless person meets the Queen...
Lady Gaga met the Queen after her show in the UK last night. Meanwhile, the pop star / hot mess / Grammy nominee has admitted she is homeless. That is unless you consider the stage a home. She refuses to buy a home and has put all her belongings in storage or brought them along with her while on tour. You see, Lady Rah Rah ah ah ah only wants to live "on stage". Yes that's right... the stage is her home. And if that wasn't enough to make your eyes roll back in your head, she even wrote a poem about it:
"For every minute of the day
The truth is that I'm dead
Until I'm here onstage with you
Then I'm alive instead."
She later announced that she stole the poem from a five year old.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Kelsey Grammer to star in a comedy that is actually funny...
Things may be looking down for Kelsey Grammer (ABC canceled Hank), but don't count him out. Well actually he will be out. On stage that is. The producers of the Broadway revival of La Cage have just announced that the star of Frazier and Cheers will be headlining the production as the gay cabaret owner "Georges" next spring. This will be the second revival of the musical in only five years (the last revival closed in June of 2005) which is making many wonder: Why? Why is it necessary to bring a show back to Broadway that was just here? Hmmmm... will we ever know? The revival will be a transfer of the critically acclaimed 2008 West End production. Here's hoping it's better than the last one (the 2004 version was widely panned by both critics and audiences).
When asked about his latest sit-com, Hank being canceled, Grammer claims he was the one who pulled the plug on Hank. "Honestly, it just wasn't very funny... We finished and I was like, 'Oh boy, there wasn't a laugh in the house on this one.' And I called the president of Warner Brothers... and I said, 'Listen, when can we put a bullet in this thing?'" Even though this is obvious PR, it's a smart move that makes you want to forgive him for the bad material. This is fail number two for the funny man counting last year's Back to You.
Grammer may be over-due on a break from TV, and it seems like a good time for him to return to the Broadway stage. He last appeared on Broadway in 2000 starring in Macbeth. His previous credits are from the 80's and are also Shakespearean: another version of Macbeth and "Casio" in Othello. He sang live as "Henry Higgins" in the New York Philharmonic's My Fair Lady in 2007 which made him "long to perform in a musical on Broadway." He released this statement about playing Georges in La Cage:
"Jerry Herman and Harvey Fierstein's wonderfully funny and touching show is about being true to yourself and the challenges you face as a parent, as a spouse and as a family. I cannot wait to work with Douglas Hodge and to sing these magnificent songs every night."
Of all the TV to Broadway actors, it seems like Grammer may actually have what it takes to make his role come to life, and it will be great to see him in a comedy that's actually funny again.
When asked about his latest sit-com, Hank being canceled, Grammer claims he was the one who pulled the plug on Hank. "Honestly, it just wasn't very funny... We finished and I was like, 'Oh boy, there wasn't a laugh in the house on this one.' And I called the president of Warner Brothers... and I said, 'Listen, when can we put a bullet in this thing?'" Even though this is obvious PR, it's a smart move that makes you want to forgive him for the bad material. This is fail number two for the funny man counting last year's Back to You.
Grammer may be over-due on a break from TV, and it seems like a good time for him to return to the Broadway stage. He last appeared on Broadway in 2000 starring in Macbeth. His previous credits are from the 80's and are also Shakespearean: another version of Macbeth and "Casio" in Othello. He sang live as "Henry Higgins" in the New York Philharmonic's My Fair Lady in 2007 which made him "long to perform in a musical on Broadway." He released this statement about playing Georges in La Cage:
"Jerry Herman and Harvey Fierstein's wonderfully funny and touching show is about being true to yourself and the challenges you face as a parent, as a spouse and as a family. I cannot wait to work with Douglas Hodge and to sing these magnificent songs every night."
Of all the TV to Broadway actors, it seems like Grammer may actually have what it takes to make his role come to life, and it will be great to see him in a comedy that's actually funny again.
Hank canceled. Hank,
Kelsey Grammer,
La Cage,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Michael Jackson commisioned paitings of himself...
And not un-like M.J.'s life, the paintings are pretty weird. They were done by his favorite painter, David Nordahl and they're all depictions of M.J. in imaginative, fantastic situations. The one below, for example shows Michael as King Arthur...
The troubled pop-star spent millions on the paintings with the larger ones costing him around $150,000 each. They were all released in an up-coming book titled "Michael Jackson Opus: The Ultimate Celebration of an Icon". The most disturbing image is simply entitled "Michael" and it features him as a greek God with male cherub surrounding him...
After these paintings were released, David Nordahl released a statement asking people not to bombard him with requests to paint them as a god surrounded by angels. It has worked to no avail however, as he received over 100 requests from WEZ Candy readers alone. Who wouldn't want a life-size image of themselves nude with children to pull out when their parents visit?
Are you freaked out yet? Yeah. Don't worry, so is everyone else. The book comes out later this week if you'd like to own the whole collection to thumb through anytime...
The troubled pop-star spent millions on the paintings with the larger ones costing him around $150,000 each. They were all released in an up-coming book titled "Michael Jackson Opus: The Ultimate Celebration of an Icon". The most disturbing image is simply entitled "Michael" and it features him as a greek God with male cherub surrounding him...
After these paintings were released, David Nordahl released a statement asking people not to bombard him with requests to paint them as a god surrounded by angels. It has worked to no avail however, as he received over 100 requests from WEZ Candy readers alone. Who wouldn't want a life-size image of themselves nude with children to pull out when their parents visit?
Are you freaked out yet? Yeah. Don't worry, so is everyone else. The book comes out later this week if you'd like to own the whole collection to thumb through anytime...
Friday, December 4, 2009
American Airlines has a big problem...
An AA flight attendant snapped this shot yesterday after they loaded the plane. Don't worry, before the plane took off they had to make someone get off the plane so this man could have a whole aisle to himself. This picture will definitely heat up the "Fat Flier" debate as airlines decide if they should charge large passengers for more than one seat (this man sat in 3). What do you think?
Jay-Z "Empire State of Mind" stolen...
Jay-Z is well known as a number 1 hit making artist, but to many in the industry he is reviled for sampling lyrics, music and whole sections of songs. His latest hit, "Empire State of Mind" is a great example. He sampled the first 20 seconds of The Moments 1968 song "Love on a Two Way Street". LISTEN BELOW. The sample begins at 1 second...
Here is Jay-Z's version (sample begins at 12 seconds):
Crazy huh?! The music is exactly the same. He also sampled the beat from Isaac Hayes song "Breakthrough" in the song. Sampling music is something that all artists do, but when you do it in a manner that makes people believe you created something new, that is wrong. This is the same Jay-Z who said "I’m the blueprint, I’m like the map for em." ("A Star is Born", The Blueprint 3) It seems like the big-headed star is stealing a blueprint or two from artists who came before him.
Shame on Jay-Z forsampling stealing music.
Here is Jay-Z's version (sample begins at 12 seconds):
Crazy huh?! The music is exactly the same. He also sampled the beat from Isaac Hayes song "Breakthrough" in the song. Sampling music is something that all artists do, but when you do it in a manner that makes people believe you created something new, that is wrong. This is the same Jay-Z who said "I’m the blueprint, I’m like the map for em." ("A Star is Born", The Blueprint 3) It seems like the big-headed star is stealing a blueprint or two from artists who came before him.
Shame on Jay-Z for
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Grammy Noms...
The Grammy nominations were announced and Beyoncé heads the list with 10 followed by Taylor Swift with 8. Others topping the list are... with 6 nominations: Black Eyed Peas, Maxwell, and Kanye West. 5 nominations: David Guetta, Jay-Z and Lady Gaga (who recently fell on her ass two times in one show - click HERE to see more). 4 nominations: Colbie Caillat, Michael Giacchino, Kings Of Leon, John Newton, RedOne, Bruce Springsteen, T-Pain, and Keith Urban.
Read the full list after the JUMP!
Who are you most excited about? Who was left off the list? COMMENT BELOW...
Read the full list after the JUMP!
Who are you most excited about? Who was left off the list? COMMENT BELOW...
Carlton Cuse: the "best LOST promo" ever...
LOST will be back for it's final season in February, and the buzz is building fast as people wonder how the iconic show will end. To keep everything under wraps, the producers of the show have decided to not include any footage from the new season in promos and advertisements. This means that studios and distributors will have to come up with their own. Check out this promo from Cuatro, the Spanish distributor of LOST - it will blow your mind. It's so good, it even got LOST creator and master-mind Carlton Cuse tweeting, "The best LOST promo I've ever seen". Watch it below and start a conversation on how the show will end...
Oscar buzz for Sandra Bullock...
2009 was a good year for Sandra Bullock. No. Make that a great year for Sandra Bullock (if you don't count All About Steve). The Proposal was this summer's surprise hit earning $164 million at the US box office to become her highest grossing film ever. Now, just four months later she is on track to beat that record. Her current film, The Blind Side took in $34 million in its opening weekend which is now her biggest opening ever. It has also surprised everyone by taking in $105 million in just 2 weeks and by holding the number 2 spot at the box office 2 weeks in a row.
On top of garnering a huge chunk of change at the box office, Sandra Bullock's performance in The Blind Side is getting both fan and critical acclaim. The film currently has a 74% on Rotten Tomatoes with most critics who don't like the film still praising Bullock's performance (NY Times) and the NY Post even went so far as to claim it was better than "Precious" saying: "All Bullock's films promote an edifying sense of human experience -- she has an instinct for what people like to see -- and that gift makes 'The Blind Side' the perfect, God-sent antidote to 'Precious'." While that claim is highly debatable, one thing is certain, Sandra Bullock is gathering the winds that could take her to an Oscar nomination.
Warner (the distributor of the film) was not planning on promoting Bullock's performance for the Oscar race but they may be changing their minds soon. The studio distribution president just told The Wrap entertainment news site that he hopes "this movie makes the Academy's top 10 (for the best picture race), and Sandy Bullock gets a look, too."
It was also just announced that Sandra Bullock will be awarded the prestigious American Riviera Award at the 25th edition of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Past winners include Mickey Rourke, Forrest Whitaker, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. The festival's director released this statement: “Bullock’s career-capping performance in ‘The Blind Side’ encompasses everything we have loved about her since the early '90s, from the deft physical comedy in ‘While You Were Sleeping,’ to the mettle of her role in the Academy Award-winning ‘Crash.’ What a most perfect time to salute this enduring movie star’s lengthy career.”
WEZ Sez: The Blind Side: The movie is predictable and a bit over sensationalized at times, but Sandra Bullock will make you forgive every imperfection. Her performance is Oscar nomination worthy.
What did you think of The Blind Side? Is Sandra Bullock's performance good enough for the Oscars? Comment below...
On top of garnering a huge chunk of change at the box office, Sandra Bullock's performance in The Blind Side is getting both fan and critical acclaim. The film currently has a 74% on Rotten Tomatoes with most critics who don't like the film still praising Bullock's performance (NY Times) and the NY Post even went so far as to claim it was better than "Precious" saying: "All Bullock's films promote an edifying sense of human experience -- she has an instinct for what people like to see -- and that gift makes 'The Blind Side' the perfect, God-sent antidote to 'Precious'." While that claim is highly debatable, one thing is certain, Sandra Bullock is gathering the winds that could take her to an Oscar nomination.
Warner (the distributor of the film) was not planning on promoting Bullock's performance for the Oscar race but they may be changing their minds soon. The studio distribution president just told The Wrap entertainment news site that he hopes "this movie makes the Academy's top 10 (for the best picture race), and Sandy Bullock gets a look, too."
It was also just announced that Sandra Bullock will be awarded the prestigious American Riviera Award at the 25th edition of the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Past winners include Mickey Rourke, Forrest Whitaker, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. The festival's director released this statement: “Bullock’s career-capping performance in ‘The Blind Side’ encompasses everything we have loved about her since the early '90s, from the deft physical comedy in ‘While You Were Sleeping,’ to the mettle of her role in the Academy Award-winning ‘Crash.’ What a most perfect time to salute this enduring movie star’s lengthy career.”
WEZ Sez: The Blind Side: The movie is predictable and a bit over sensationalized at times, but Sandra Bullock will make you forgive every imperfection. Her performance is Oscar nomination worthy.
What did you think of The Blind Side? Is Sandra Bullock's performance good enough for the Oscars? Comment below...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Lady Gaga falls...
Lady Gaga's new concert tour opened in Montreal and she seemed to have a hard time staying on her feet. She fell flat on her booty two times in the show and almost fell a third. Maybe it was the nerves, the pressure or the _________? Who knows why she fell, but it's definitely worth watching. Watch the videos below...
She falls at 20 seconds and trips at 2:53 singing "Teeth"...
She falls again singing "Poker Face" at 49 seconds and says "OW"...
Although she fell and stumbled and seemed out of it, the star put on a show and kept getting back up. Does her performance make the grade? Sign in using Facebook, Twitter or other sites to post comments below...
She falls at 20 seconds and trips at 2:53 singing "Teeth"...
She falls again singing "Poker Face" at 49 seconds and says "OW"...
Although she fell and stumbled and seemed out of it, the star put on a show and kept getting back up. Does her performance make the grade? Sign in using Facebook, Twitter or other sites to post comments below...
Adam Lambert is not here for your entertainment...
If you haven't been entertained by the annoying, over-hyped news coverage of Adam Lambert's lame AMA performance, his new music video might do the trick. Who knows why his AMA performance of "For Your Entertainment" has caused such a stir... is it because he's gay? because it was (semi) racy? or because it was good press for his upcoming CD? Who cares. The music video that he just released is just as racy (if not more) but will not create as much attention because it's not live and he doesn't kiss a boy. Lambert seems like a star caught in the middle of a tug-of-war between being a gay icon, a pop-music star, and a real singer - and this video completely captures that struggle. As he flirts with girls and gets grabbed and shoved around by male and female dancers, he sings about the control he holds over everyone, but as the AMA scandal has shown, he is not in control of anything. The fame, the press, and the music industry has him in their death-grip and have decided that he is here for THEIR entertainment.
WEZ Sez: Entertaining video, but let's hope Adam Lambert can find his own voice amid the millions telling him who and what to be.
WEZ Sez: Entertaining video, but let's hope Adam Lambert can find his own voice amid the millions telling him who and what to be.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Susan Boyle sucks her thumb...
Excited fans delivered a quilt to Susan Boyle after a performance in NYC last week. Upon receiving the gift, Boyle began to cry and suck her thumb. The star has had a crazy month promoting her CD (which just became the fastest selling debut album of all time in the UK) and her recent behavior has prompted many people to wonder if she is having another breakdown. The Daily Star quoted Susan Boyle's spokesman saying that the breakdown rumors are "completely untrue. Susan was overjoyed and extremely touched by (the) gift." The quilt was handmade by over 100 fans from 29 countries. Perhaps she was sucking her thumb because the idea of people all over the world cutting out little pieces of fabric and mailing them to one another to sew into a giant quilt and deliver to Susan scared her. It is scary. If you think about it.
She is expected to top the Billboard 200 when it is released this week.
Chris Pesto knows style...
Chris Pesto, a junior at Syracuse University, decided to fight fire with an "Oh snap!" When he saw this anti-gay protester on campus, he decided to retaliate not by engaging in a theological debate, but by attacking her poor sense of fashion. That's right... she was wearing a corduroy skirt and SOMEONE had to stop her! Thanks to Pesto for making a stand.
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Muppets do Queen...
Candy Confection Video:
The Muppets released a video cover of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody this past week. Who knew the Muppets made music videos?! Everyone has gone crazy over the video (it already has 7million hits) for good cause - it is too good to pass up! Check it out...Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sneak taste of Princess and the Frog...
The first five minutes of the new Disney cartoon, The Princess and the Frog were leaked online. All hopes are high for this film as Disney returns to their roots for a 2D hand-drawn film. Watch the clip below, does it live up to your hopes?
Britney Spears is a slave...
Poor Britney. She just can't seem to get a break. Literally. Team Britney has announced that although the pop star will get a break for Christmas, it won't be a long one. Come January she will be cranking out new hits in the studio. This announcement comes on the tail of her "3" success (her first single to debut at number 1), the Britney Singles Collection release, the Circus Tour wrapping up in Australia next week (she's been on tour since February), and it brings a whole new meaning to her hit single "I'm a Slave 4 U". Before you know it, Britney will once again be slaving away (making millions of dollars for countless people). Darkchild tweeted that he will be working on the album with Brit: "Got the call this morning!!! January we start!!!" Other producers include: Fernando Garibay, Danja, Sean Garrett and David Guetta. The album is still untitled and will be Britney's 7th studio release. It is scheduled to drop June 2010.
In some-what related news, K Fed has been slimming down thanks to his million dollar deal with EP-2 (weight loss drug). Take a look at his new (similar-to-old) body from his recent trip to Australia.
In other (semi) Britney news, Courtney Love recently posted that Britney was molested by her father. How Love knows this and why she thought Facebook would be the ideal place to tell the world is still a mystery. We'll see if this story goes anywhere or if just stalls like Love's career. And just because it's too juicy to pass up, here is her post (in it's mis-spelled entirety):
"britneys dad molested her , imagine the father that molested you owning you for slavery while your forced to sing songs picked for thier sexual content every night, insane right? i have it on First had authority, and fight as hard as she is and does she still didnt pull that card, its a pride thing i can relate to, However they want to play dirty, lets go, Im SO not affraid of the little trolls who hit this when i was f***** up who are called lawyers. lets GO."
All that aside, a new Britney CD is a definite Sugar Rush! Take a look at some recent footage of her tour (she is actually SINGING LIVE) to satisfy your Britney Sweet Tooth...
In some-what related news, K Fed has been slimming down thanks to his million dollar deal with EP-2 (weight loss drug). Take a look at his new (similar-to-old) body from his recent trip to Australia.
"britneys dad molested her , imagine the father that molested you owning you for slavery while your forced to sing songs picked for thier sexual content every night, insane right? i have it on First had authority, and fight as hard as she is and does she still didnt pull that card, its a pride thing i can relate to, However they want to play dirty, lets go, Im SO not affraid of the little trolls who hit this when i was f***** up who are called lawyers. lets GO."
All that aside, a new Britney CD is a definite Sugar Rush! Take a look at some recent footage of her tour (she is actually SINGING LIVE) to satisfy your Britney Sweet Tooth...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Lady Gaga's rehearsal footage for tour...
The Fame Monster herself hit the road last night kicking off her world tour in Montreal and will soon be playing a city near you. This will be the first world tour for Gaga (check out her tour schedule HERE). Below is some leaked rehearsal footage to curb your sweet tooth until you get to see her live!
While the Lady is singing live in the footage, she's a bit pitchy... hopefully that will remedied by rehearsal or installing Britney technology (lip-sync). The choreography looks .... shall we say interesting? Be sure to check out the moves at 1:39 when the dancers pas de bourree, pas de bourree with "washing the hair arms", and then double pirouette with "crazy arms". It looks like the routines were choreographed by a Judi Sheppard Misset wannabe on crack (Check out original Judi Sheppard Misset Jazzercise routines below). Not sure if jazzercise will have her audiences hyped, but we'll see. Regardless of what she does, we all know at the very least it will be one hell of a crazy show! Check the footage below and sound off...
Here is the Judi Sheppard Misset Jazzercise routine that looks like it inspired Lady Gaga's tour choreography (you MUST SEE 2:38)...
While the Lady is singing live in the footage, she's a bit pitchy... hopefully that will remedied by rehearsal or installing Britney technology (lip-sync). The choreography looks .... shall we say interesting? Be sure to check out the moves at 1:39 when the dancers pas de bourree, pas de bourree with "washing the hair arms", and then double pirouette with "crazy arms". It looks like the routines were choreographed by a Judi Sheppard Misset wannabe on crack (Check out original Judi Sheppard Misset Jazzercise routines below). Not sure if jazzercise will have her audiences hyped, but we'll see. Regardless of what she does, we all know at the very least it will be one hell of a crazy show! Check the footage below and sound off...
Here is the Judi Sheppard Misset Jazzercise routine that looks like it inspired Lady Gaga's tour choreography (you MUST SEE 2:38)...
Friday, November 27, 2009
Johnston hopes to extend 15mins of fame by Dancing With the Stars...
Levi Johnston (who did NOT pose fully nude even though he said he would) has high hopes on extending his fifteen minutes of fame and continuing to shove himself down America's throat. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight about Dancing With the Stars, Johnston said "I think if my phone were to ring right now, I would probably say yes," confirming that he wants to be on the show. God knows the boy can't dance, but he tried to play off his hockey skills as an obvious leg-up in the dance world: "I mean, I'm pretty athletic so I think I could do just about anything." ANYTHING. That's right folks... Levi Johnston can do just about ANYTHING. Except full-frontal for Playgirl. Of course he also mentioned that he can slow dance like "no other man". After you're finished rolling your eyes, continue reading below...
The whole Playgirl shoot was leaked online (thanks to Candy reader, V.M. for the tip), and the photos are YAWN-worthy. Although the photos have since been deleted, follow the JUMP to see one of them (cropped for web-viewing purposes).
WARNING: May be too sour for some!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving...
Enjoy your Thanksgiving, but don't eat too much. The video below should adequately discourage all over-eaters.
WARNING: Only watch if appetite curbing is wanted!
WARNING: Only watch if appetite curbing is wanted!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Broadway Thanksgiving Day Parade lineup...
This Thanksgiving means turkey, family and of course BROADWAY! Who can miss the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? The parade always starts with some great acts lip-syncing their way into the hearts of America, and this year will be no different! The Broadway casts of Shrek, Billy Elliot, HAIR, and Bye, Bye Birdie (more aptly called Why, Why Birdie) will be on hand to sing-along to their cast albums in Herald Square tomorrow morning.
The cheese factor for these mock-performances is always so high that you can't help but laugh along with (or at) the performers! Here is the cast of Little Mermaid performing at last year's parade. The performance has too many Britney-Spears-Singing moments to count. This year we can all be thankful for more of these moments to cheer our day...
The cheese factor for these mock-performances is always so high that you can't help but laugh along with (or at) the performers! Here is the cast of Little Mermaid performing at last year's parade. The performance has too many Britney-Spears-Singing moments to count. This year we can all be thankful for more of these moments to cheer our day...
Miss Gay Brazil looses her head over loosing her hair...
Check out this video that is sure to give you a sugar rush! The video is from the Miss Gay Brazil competition and features the runner-up ripping off the winner's crown and wig. OH SNAP! The judges obviously gave the crown to the wrong queen, as the runner-up is the fiercest, back-stabbingest bitch of them all. She clearly deserved the crown and decided to take matters into her own hands by retrieving it from the head of the wrong winner and went ahead and took her wig too. What better way to end the gayest night ever...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Paula Deen: This Thanksgiving don't serve ham...
Paula Deen was hit in the face with a flying pig yesterday as she helped a food bank in Atlanta unload a truck of frozen ham. The celebrity chef was on hand to help feed the needy and ended up with a face full of swine. While the web is all a flurry with the video of her getting hit, what it doesn't show is Paula was the first one to start throwing them! While unloading the truck, Deen picked up a frozen ham and threw it like a football which startled everyone in the room. Before you knew it, pigs were flying and noses were getting hit. Not to worry though, Paula is fine. She left with a sore nose but high spirits.
She only had this warning to give: This Thanksgiving eat TURKEY! Ham could result in reconstructive surgery...
Michelle Obama image search on Google...
Doing a Google Image search for Michelle Obama could result in being very offended! The very first image that comes up is a picture of the First Lady with an ape super-imposed over her face (pictured above). Although Google won't remove the picture because it complies with all of their image search terms, they did take out ad space directly above the picture that says, "Offensive Search Results - Sometimes our search results can be offensive. We agree. Read more".
It seems interesting that Google would have to issue a statement about this at all as they did not put the information on the internet, they simply display it when searched for. Maybe Google should start putting ads with statements above all the offensive information on the internet. Where to start, where to start...
LOST news...
ABC announced that the Final Season of LOST will debut on Tuesday, February 2nd at 9pm! They will kick off the season with an episode entitled "LA X" (the space obviously means something sneaky)...
The series regulars have also been announced and for those wondering what happened to Claire, it looks like we will soon find out as she will be a regular on the show once again. We're only a 70 days away from ending 6 years of mysteries and smoke...
Heath Ledger's final film gets Christmas Day release...
Heath Ledger's final film, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is set for release in the US on Christmas Day. Although it was unclear if the film would get released, or even finished being filmed for that matter, Ledger fans can rejoice! After Ledger's untimely death in the middle of filming the project, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, and Jude Law all stepped in to play his character in different scenes. These extra scenes supplemented the work that was already filmed and they were all edited together to make one seamless story. Check out the trailer below and add this movie to the ever-growing list of films to see on Christmas Day!
Monday, November 23, 2009
J Lo falls at the AMAs...
J Lo fell flat on her booty at the AMAs last night while singing her new single "Louboutins". In the number, J Lo walks up a human staircase made of male dancers before jumping off the highest point. Why the choreographer thought this was a good idea will never be known. Although she did not land on her feet after the jump, she (literally) bounced back up (no really, she literally bounced back up after hitting the stage) and continued dancing like nothing happened.
WATCH the FALL starting at 2:38
Of course, it's not the first time J Lo has had a stumble on stage. Check out her previous fall and obvious lip-sync performance below:
WATCH the FALL starting at 2:38
Of course, it's not the first time J Lo has had a stumble on stage. Check out her previous fall and obvious lip-sync performance below:
Sunday, November 22, 2009
More Levi Johnston shots...
Although Levi Johnston made a big deal about getting naked for Playgirl, the aspiring model / dead-beat dad did not bare all. His photos have been more than underwhelming, and the two newest photos fall in the same category. Johnston had two months to prepare for the shoot and said he was in the gym everyday. By the looks of these photos however, he should have upped his reps...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
First look at Spider Man Musical...

While production has been delayed on the Broadway "why did they make that a musical?" show Spider-Man, Turn off the Dark, it is still moving forward and the role of Peter Parker / Spider-Man has recently been cast. The role went to rock singer Reeve Carney (pictured above). He will join the previously announced Evan Rachel Wood as "Mary Jane Watson" and Alan Cumming as the "Green Goblin".
Reeve Carney is the lead singer of the band "Carney". Their first CD is called "Mr. Green" and will be released in 2010 on Interscope Records. Reeve has also appeared on film in Snow Falling on Cedars and Julie Taymor's latest project, Shakespeare's The Tempest.
Although the idea of seeing Spider-Man on stage singing and dancing in a musical could make you want to hurl, the casting of Carney is a glimmer of hope. The music / lyrics for the show were written by Bono and The Edge so casting a true rocker who also has an amazing presence and acting ability took the producers quite some time. By the looks of the video below, they may have found exactly what they were looking for.
Check out the music video for Carney's single entitled "Love Me Chase Me" which co-stars Evan Rachel Wood for a preview of what's in store on the Broadway stage in 2010. Reeve has amazing vocals and the chemistry between the two smolders. The song is pretty hot as well...
WEZ Sez: Spider-Man, Turn off the Dark - Mixed Bag - Good production team / Bad idea for a musical. The casting of Reeve as Spider-Man might make the perfect mix though.
Friday, November 20, 2009
We may find out Who Framed Roger Rabbit...
Robert Zemeckis has announced he is beginning to work on a sequel to Who Framed Roger Rabbit! The film will be directed by Zemeckis and is being written by the original team of writers. No word yet on when it will begin filming, but over 20 years after the original (first one was released 1988), we may get the chance to see Roger and Jessica and the whole toon gang once again!
The main reason Zemeckis wants to re-visit this material is the new technology available to him. He told MTV News that he will utilize his Motion Capture technology that he used to make Polar Express and Christmas Carol. The picture will also be in 3D. Here's hoping he doesn't ruin the movie classic. The original was so fantastic because how it was 2D animation with live actors. A 3D-CGI animated Roger just won't have the same effect.
Until the details of the project are finalized, let's all hope that this classic movie gets a sequel that does it justice...
WEZ Sez: Roger Rabbit 2 - Sweet - As long as they stay true to the original art work
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