Monday, December 14, 2009

Lohan is under fire for her tweets about saving children...

Lindsay Lohan tweeted that she saved 40 children from human trafiking in India less than 6 hours after she landed in the country to work on her BBC documentary. (READ THE ORIGINAL STORY HERE) This tweet has many officials outraged though. They say Lohan wasn't even there when the children were freed, and that the effort took months to coordinate. Bhuwan, one of the lawyers who worked tirelessly to free these children, told London's Telegraph that the work actually happened before Lohan even landed in India. There weren't any BBC cameras on the scene either. The children were freed from child labor workshops where they worked from 8am to 1am making ornaments. Some of the children were as young as 7. The twitter message from Lindsay made it seem like you could just fly to India and start saving children. Bhuwan said, "She was not even in the country when this raid happened, (...) would Lohan know where these workshops are?"

A rep from BBC released this statement: "We would like to stress that she did not say she was present at the raid, this is a misinterpretation." OK, OK, so she didn't say she was present, but she did infer it. Read it for yourself HERE. Meanwhile, Li Lo is back in the states and has returned to her Twittering ways. But this time she's talking about things she knows like, "LOVE Beyoncé", and asking where's "Timbaland's cred?" Perhaps she should be asking about her cred...
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