Chris Brown isn't that sorry, but he still wants you to buy his CD.
Chris Brown is seeing the back lash from the Rihanna incident last February with the release of his CD
Graffiti. The CD debuted in the number 7 spot on the Billboard 200 only selling 102,000 copies. In a show of his supreme anger management skills, the young star lashed out on twitter.
"I'm tired of this sh*t". Major stores are blackballing my CD. Not stockin' the shelves and lying to customers. What the f**k do I gotta do." "the music industry can kiss my a**" After fans read this rant, they all ran out and bought his CD! Just like it makes you want to do, right? What could Brown possibly be tired of? The fact that people are concerned with giving someone an artistic voice who beats women? It is unclear which retailer was "blackballing" Brown, but it's probably the fans that are to blame for his low sales. You can't give a half-hearted apology for such a major offense and just expect people to forgive you and give you money. After he received more heat and scrutiny for the twitter rant, he deleted his account. Bye bye Chris Brown. Like the women you beat, twitter won't miss you...