Friday, December 11, 2009

Sex and the City, 2 touched up...

SATC will be back on the big screen in 6 months and the studio has just released the first teaser poster for the much anticipated sequel. In this age of digital touch-ups and photo shopping prints however, is the image too perfect? Many bloggers are crying foul over the image which has SJP's skin smoothed out and an obvious lift in her chest. Take a look...

Whatever you may think, you have to hand it to the 44 year old star - she looks amazing! Even in un-touched-up real life, she shimmers. Take a look at her from the premier of Did You Hear About the Morgans? and a shot from the set of SATC2 (wearing the same outfit as the promo poster)...

Seeing her in real life compared to the poster version, what do you think? Did the producers go too far in touching up the image for the poster?
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