Only one person in the whole world could be more of a train wreck than Lindsay Lohan, and that is her father, Michael Lohan. The Twitteratti are all on fire today due to one thing, Michael Lohan has joined the social networking sight! Before you know it, there will be more Twitter stories to follow, as well as a massive blow-up feud between Lindsay and her father happening right before our very eyes. For now, however we must console ourselves with his first few tweets, "This is the Real Michael Lohan--all others who pretend to be me are frauds. Upon my attorney's advice, I have opened this account." Who are his attorneys?! And why would they ever advise someone with a track record of saying such outrageous things to sign up for Twitter? Will we ever know...
Michael has set to finding all the "fake" Michael Lohan's on Twitter and scaring them with tweets like, "@TheMichaelLohan I don't know who you are but my attorneys and Twitter will find out. You're looking at civil and criminal charges shortly" and leaving a post on Lindsay's page that says "@LindsayLohan Hi Honey-THis is my real twitter now, it's Dad. Love you." Somehow, coming from him, that's creepy. All other posts are yawn inducing about how he is "reading scriptures" or "going to the gym". Only time will tell how long we have to wait for him to set all of Twitter on fire with a huge scandal though, and WEZ Candy will be waiting...