Take anything you want! I was robbed by two men! Let's go Dutch!
These are phrases that I speak on a daily basis and are essential to the English language. The educational video below teaches Japanese speakers how to say these and other phrases through the power of dance. By muscle memory you will be able to not only recall, but master these English phrases. So the next time someone is robbing a Japanese person on holiday in the US or UK, all they will have to do is a quick 8-count routine to say "Take anything you want!"
"Have a nice holiday!" *I type while doing an 8-count routine...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Dear God, Liza...
NO Liza with No Taste, no! This is bad. Bad! I actually can't decide which is worse, her version of "Single Ladies" (click HERE to listen to it), the fact that she sings "Single Ladies" in Sex and the City 2, or this outfit.
I can't.
bad outfit,
liza minnelli,
liza with a z,
Sex and the City 2,
Single Ladies,
Monday, May 24, 2010
What is the Island? The LOST series finale...
LOST ended last night in an emotionally draining 2 and 1/2 hour episode that still has me scratching my head while drying my tears. What happened? What is the island? Where is Walt?
And more than those simple questions, what did I want to see? Did the show need to answer all questions definitively, and if they did, would it still have the same impact? Last night, as I dreamed of LOST, and this morning as I woke up thinking about it, I realized a few things:
1) LOST will be in our collective consciousness for years to come.
2) The creators let the show get too big to control and they had no way to answer everything and make everyone happy, so they chose to not really answer anything (which made a lot of people not happy).
3) The show forced a generation of people too familiar with boring plots and say-nothing movies to think. To explore what an artist is trying to say about life, love, and forgiveness. About fate, destiny, and choice. Forcing people to think, decide, and discuss (aka: argue, scream, and fight) about the show was the greatest thing about it.
After last night I also realized that:
4) Jimmy Kimmel sucks. Three alternate endings? That wasn't funny.
In the coming days I will continue thinking about the series and the final episode. And I will continue to ask questions:
Was the show all about Jack?
At what point did the Island end up under water?
How long will Michael be forced to roam the Island whispering to people?
If Michael can't be redeemed for killing Libby and Ana Lucia, how come Ben is let off the hook?
Was Walt supposed to be the next Jacob?
How come babies can't be born on the island?
Are Nicky and Paolo also whispering on the island?
And the main question I'll be asking is what is more important? The question or the answer?
WEZ SEZ: LOST is like a work of art. You can love it, or hate it, but you will never understand it fully... only what it means to you.
Monday, April 26, 2010
I always wanted to be a famous dancer...
I know I haven't been updating this as much as I should (try ever), but I saw this video and couldn't resist! It's a trailer for everyone's favorite "Flashdance goes to prison" movie, Jailbird Rock!
"I always wanted to be a famous dancer... dancer... dancer..."
It's the kind of inspired hilarity that only the 80s could produce. Check it out and never stop dancing...
Jailbird Rock TRAILER. from Hadrian Belove on Vimeo.
"I always wanted to be a famous dancer... dancer... dancer..."
It's the kind of inspired hilarity that only the 80s could produce. Check it out and never stop dancing...
Jailbird Rock TRAILER. from Hadrian Belove on Vimeo.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Frightening commercial FAIL...
The British have gone too far. They must be stopped! "What have they done now?" you ask? They have made a commercial (and product) that would only appeal to clergy members of the Catholic church. An anatomically correct doll that pees on you when you tickle him. I don't know what else to say. You have to see it to believe...
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
eBay auction of Michael Jackson painting "The Book"...
Starting tonight on internet auction site eBay.com, you will be able to bid on the 40x50 inch Michael Jackson work of art, "The Book".The painting was done by Australian artist Brett-Livingston Strong and is reportedly the only painting for which the troubled pop star ever posed. It shows the King of Pop in a red velvet jacket holding a journal at his famous Neverland Ranch.
The auction will start tonight with a minimum bid of........... $2.75 million dollars. The owner, Marty Abrams, who currently has the painting hanging in his house (why?) is hoping for over 3 million. The bidding will end on April 17th, so get your pocket books ready!
You know where I'll be tonight! Watching all the crazy people on eBay blow through their life savings for a creepy, 80s inspired painting of a dead singer. At least he'll live on forever in this painting which also supposedly features Tinker Bell in the background...
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Nicollette Sheirdan slaps Marc Cherry with a lawsuit...
Nicollette Sheridan (46) has slapped the creator and producers of Desperate Housewives with a $20 million dollar lawsuit. Sheridan played Edie Brit on the show for 5 years before being killed off last year. Although it seemed that all had parted ways amicably, she is not going quietly. The suit was filed on Monday in the Los Angeles Superior Court and accuses the show's creator, Marc Cherry of assault and battery, gender violence, intentional infliction of emotional distress and wrongful termination. She also named Touchstone Television, ABC Studios, and ABC Entertainment group in the suit. She is requesting a jury trial for the case. Here is more information from radaronline.com:
Sheridan alleges that “on September 24, 2008, during a rehearsal for the show, when Sheridan questioned Cherry about something that was in the script, Cherry took her aside and forcefully hit her with his hand across her face and head." The suit says Cherry “created a hostile work environment for the cast, crew and writers who work on the show, and Sheridan in particular.”
Sheridan says Cherry later “begged for forgiveness,” and although she reported the incident to ABC, “Cherry’s abusive and aggressive behavior towards (her) not only persisted, it worsened.”
The suit also contends that when Cherry discovered Desperate Housewives’ co-star Teri Hatcher went over Cherry’s head to speak to ABC executives about him, he said, “I hope Teri Hatcher gets hit by a car and dies.”
Sheridan says that in February 2009, she was informed that she was being terminated from the show, and that her character would be killed off. Her suit claims her firing cost her millions of dollars in future earnings.
WEZ SEZ: Nicollette Sheridan - Loved her as Edie Brit and always wondered why they got rid of her. The show just isn't the same without her. Could this be the explanation?
Read the original story at radaronline.com
Friday, April 2, 2010
Two gay fighters, one vogue dancer...
The most amazing fight that film has ever captured was released a few days ago. The video clip shows two (gay?) men fighting in a Chicago area welfare office. The winning queen goes crazy after the fight and throws down the fiercest triple turn, backwards fall combo I've ever seen. Werk it out girl...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
It's time for Ronald McDonald to retire...
The creepy, too-smiley clown that teaches children that eating disgusting food that makes you fat equals a free toy that was made in China, may soon be sent to the same place as Joe the Camel. That's right, Ronald McDonald may be forced into early retirement. As more information is being released about the dangers of fast food, more and more people are beginning to see that our children need to be protected from the ruthless marketing of companies that sell products that will ultimately lead to diabetes, and potential early death. Corporate Accountability International is a coalition of health professionals, parents and corporate accountability advocates and they are calling on the world's largest restaurant chain to retire Ronald McDonald for good. They say that the character has too much influence on kids. This group also helped retire Joe the Camel from Camel Cigarettes.
Corporate Accountability International is throwing a retirement party for Ronald McDonald in downtown Chicago today. This is the first of many events they have planned to force the restaurant giant to retire their "chief happiness officer". (via Chicago Tribune)
These fast food companies are selling food that is literally addictive and causes too many health problems to count (watch Super Size Me for proof if you don't already know). Their shameless marketing to children must stop. If the health and obesity problem in this country is ever going to be changed, we have to start with education in the home and school. How can parents and teachers compete with a clown? How are children supposed to eat healthy when Ronald McDonald is telling them to come to McDonald's? Children are essentially being rewarded with cheap toys for eating bad food. You can't compete with that.
And honestly, a world without Ronald McDonald would be a better place for everyone, not just kids. Now every time you walk into McDonald's to spend $7 on an early death, you won't have to be smiled at by your worst fear: a clown.
WEZ SEZ: Ronald McDonald - it's time to retire for good.
McDonald's Commercial (1998) - These bloopers are hilarious
Check the Corporate Accountability International website for more info and to help stop the clown.
Only 6 more episodes of LOST...
Feeling, well, LOST? The folks at "Instant Dharma" have a great re-cap talk from last night's episode. They offer a lot of insight and share your frustration with that annoying V countdown clock! Watch the re-cap below, but be warned: CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Michael Lohan's new girlfriend thinks TMZ is 911...
According to Michael Lohan's new
Sweet Shots: Angelina Jolie is a mom at work...
Angelina Jolie took some time out from a busy day of filming her new movie, The Tourist in Venice, Italy to spend some time with her children (Zahara and Shiloh are seen below). The mom / actress / wife of Brad Pitt / goodwill ambassador for the UN looked radiant as usual.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sweet Shots: Kate Winslet...
Kate Winslet hit the waves of Mexico with her two children on Monday to tan away her recent split from her husband of 7 years, film director Sam Mendes. The two Oscar winners said the split was amicable and due to conflicting work schedules. Best of luck to both...
Lady Gaga to guest star on Glee...
The hit making, yellow hair wearing, bloody clothes reveling pop star, Lady Gaga has agreed to join the cast of the Golden Globe winning TV musical comedy GLEE. The show's creator, Ryan Murphy announced, "We reached out to Lady Gaga and she said, 'Yes, I'd love to be a part of it.' So we will be doing Lady Gaga this season." He also spoke of the upcoming Madonna episode saying she gave permission to use ten of her songs for the tribute episode and that she, "cooperated in every way possible."
Before she goes on the show, Gaga has got to get it together. Check out this recent concert footage from her Monster's Ball tour in New Zealand where it looks like she is about to collapse. She can barely dance and is not even trying to move her mouth more than 50% of the time. What is she doing?! Her other "Bad Romance" performances and are nothing like this. After all the rumors of her canceling shows due to collapsing, this seems to be proof that all is not well in the land of Gaga. Seriously, this barely passes as performance art let alone a pop-star concert...
Bad Romance,
Lady Gaga,
New Zealand,
Ryan Murphy,
The Monster Ball Tour
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Candy Shop: The hot mess edition...
The Candy Shop: Hot Mess Edition
There is no shortage of hot mess stories for this edition of the Candy Shop. Read them deliciously.
- Kimberly Wyatt has taken to dissing the vehicle that made her famous. The former Pussycat Dolls singer / dancer is working on her new, sure to be over in 2 minutes, solo career and is trashing the former group. Her debut single is called "Not Just a Doll" and features such hot mess lyrics as:
"Just be this way and act this way. So talk this way, I won't do all that you tell me. Sit and stay, no right to say, so walk this way... "Ain't no strings attached, now I'm feeling free at last. I just want to sing and dance, so I had to take a chance."
- Kate Gosselin put her extensions back in. She just won't leave us alone will she? Apparently, people like her as they pay this hot mess to speak at conventions! She recently spoke at the Women’s Expo in South Bend, Ind. She will also be dancing on this season of Dancing with the Stars on ABC. Hopefully she's the first one voted off so she can go home and be with her kids who are being cared for by 5 nannies right now.
- David Beckham tore his left Achilles tendon and will be out for the rest of the season. No World Cup for the Becks.
- Anna Nicole will soon be an opera. Wait. What? The Royal Opera House in London will premier the brand new opera Anna Nicole Smith along with Madame Butterfly next year in February. According to a spokesperson for the Opera, "It's very much in the modern zeitgeist and fits into our season of women who have been victims or died unfortunately. Women who were quite iconic in their particular era." Sounds like one hot mess of an opera! Can't wait...
Tue Blood stars support the Make-A-Wish foundation...
Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer, the happily engaged stars of HBO's True Blood turned out on Sunday (March 14) in Santa Monica, CA to help support the Make-A-Wish foundation's Day of Fun! They helped out by manning carnival games and enjoying the rides! See some shots of Matt Bomer and Mischa Barton at the same event after the jump...
WEZ Weekend Box Office: March 15th...
A brand new weekly box office review with candy commentary by yours truly...
1) Alice in Wonderland: $62M (2 week total: $209M). Alice was number one for the second week in a row proving that mediocre movies directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp will always make a lot of money despite the fact that they're not very good and Depp hasn't made a surprising choice since the first Pirates movie (which wasn't very good, either).
2) The Green Zone: $14.5M (1st week). Matt Damon stars in this Iraq war movie that was quasi-marketed as a new installment in the Borne franchise. The movie also boasts actors who were actually soldiers who fought in the REAL Iraq war proving that just because you lived it, doesn't mean you can act it.
3) She's Out of My League: $9.6M (1st week). Never heard of it. Next!
4) Remember Me: $8.28M (1st week). Already forgot you.
5) Shutter Island: $8.14M (total $108M). Still want to see this. Heard it's good?
Our Family Wedding also debuted this weekend to a little over 1600 screens pulling in $7.6M and Avatar (no longer being shown in 3D) is still taking in money despite loosing the Best Picture Oscar to The Hurt Locker bringing in $6.6M with a domestic total of a whopping $730M!
1) Alice in Wonderland: $62M (2 week total: $209M). Alice was number one for the second week in a row proving that mediocre movies directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp will always make a lot of money despite the fact that they're not very good and Depp hasn't made a surprising choice since the first Pirates movie (which wasn't very good, either).
2) The Green Zone: $14.5M (1st week). Matt Damon stars in this Iraq war movie that was quasi-marketed as a new installment in the Borne franchise. The movie also boasts actors who were actually soldiers who fought in the REAL Iraq war proving that just because you lived it, doesn't mean you can act it.
3) She's Out of My League: $9.6M (1st week). Never heard of it. Next!
4) Remember Me: $8.28M (1st week). Already forgot you.
5) Shutter Island: $8.14M (total $108M). Still want to see this. Heard it's good?
Our Family Wedding also debuted this weekend to a little over 1600 screens pulling in $7.6M and Avatar (no longer being shown in 3D) is still taking in money despite loosing the Best Picture Oscar to The Hurt Locker bringing in $6.6M with a domestic total of a whopping $730M!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Paris Hilton to punish America with another CD...
That's right, Paris Hilton is in the studio screeching her way through recording a brand new CD, and when she doesn't have enough inspiration, she simply hits her Twitter page to ask her followers for help. "Hey Everyone, just in the studio working on more music. What kind of subjects do you guys think would make great song..."
Dear God, Paris! Really? You are asking your followers on Twitter for help on what would make a great song? The number one place I could think to turn for music writing advice would be your followers: a bunch of sex-obsessed guys and teenage girls who think "loves it" is still in. Why would you turn to a lyricist? That would be too smart.
Yes, they do say the stars are blind, but so is America if we actually go out and purchase another horrible excuse of a CD trying to pass as pop music. Paris, stick to what you know: looking cute, pouting your lips, and causing a scandal.
Dear God, Paris! Really? You are asking your followers on Twitter for help on what would make a great song? The number one place I could think to turn for music writing advice would be your followers: a bunch of sex-obsessed guys and teenage girls who think "loves it" is still in. Why would you turn to a lyricist? That would be too smart.
Yes, they do say the stars are blind, but so is America if we actually go out and purchase another horrible excuse of a CD trying to pass as pop music. Paris, stick to what you know: looking cute, pouting your lips, and causing a scandal.
The new Calvin Klein X commerical...
The new Calvin Klein commericial featuring the very seXy Kellan Lutz, Mehcad Brooks, Fernando Verdasco, and Hidetoshi Nakata has been released and it is X. (Click HERE if you want to see the print campaign) The commerical is actually quite funny, and as with all Calvin Klein ads, pushes the limits. The guys seductively and playfully look at the camera and ask, "Do you want to see my d X k?" A red "X" appears to bleep out the word. Well, not sure how creative it is, but it will make you laugh at the very least...
See the full commercial after the jump...
See the full commercial after the jump...
Calvin Klein,
Fernando Verdasco,
Hidetoshi Nakata,
Kellan Lutz,
Mehcad Brooks,
Friday, March 12, 2010
Sweet Shots: Amanda Seyfried for Esquire...
Amanda Seyfried. Love her. She's funny (Mean Girls), an amazing actress (Big Love), and doesn't play the LA game (via her interview with Esquire). Check out this Sweet Shot from the upcoming "Women We Love" edition of Esquire...
Amanda stays in such great shape by sticking to a raw food diet. She told the magazine that her diet is "intense. And sort of awful. Yesterday for lunch? Spinach. Just spinach. Spinach and some seeds." Poor little skinny white girl...
Amanda stays in such great shape by sticking to a raw food diet. She told the magazine that her diet is "intense. And sort of awful. Yesterday for lunch? Spinach. Just spinach. Spinach and some seeds." Poor little skinny white girl...
amanda seyfried,
Big Love,
mean girls,
raw food,
Sweet Shots
Just in case you haven't seen the new Twilight trailer...
Here it is, the brand new Twilight Saga: Eclipse trailer:
I may be one of the only people that feel like this, but the movies are so much better than the books! When reading the books, I just wanted to strangle Bella. She was so stupid and clumsy. The movies always put the annoying, 100 page stretches of Bella obsessing over Edward's God-like charm or crying because he left her into one nice little montage. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are amazingly talented and they bring so much to these characters. The one weak link (which can be seen so clearly in this trailer) is Taylor Lautner. Boy can't act. The other two literally steam-roll over him and he's left looking blank-faced saying cheese-tastic lines like "I'm going to fight for you until your heart stops beating." Although that line would be difficult for any actor to say, his rendition is so cringe-inducing you have to wonder why it made the cut?
WEZ SEZ: Twilight Saga: Eclipse - The movies are better than the books (minus Taylor Lautner).
I may be one of the only people that feel like this, but the movies are so much better than the books! When reading the books, I just wanted to strangle Bella. She was so stupid and clumsy. The movies always put the annoying, 100 page stretches of Bella obsessing over Edward's God-like charm or crying because he left her into one nice little montage. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are amazingly talented and they bring so much to these characters. The one weak link (which can be seen so clearly in this trailer) is Taylor Lautner. Boy can't act. The other two literally steam-roll over him and he's left looking blank-faced saying cheese-tastic lines like "I'm going to fight for you until your heart stops beating." Although that line would be difficult for any actor to say, his rendition is so cringe-inducing you have to wonder why it made the cut?
WEZ SEZ: Twilight Saga: Eclipse - The movies are better than the books (minus Taylor Lautner).
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Zoolander 2 is on the way...
Ben Stiller has confirmed that a Zoolander sequel is officially in the works! The film will surely prove once and for all that is more to life than being really, really, really ridiculously good looking.
Ben Stiller and Justin Theroux are working on the script (Theroux previously penned Tropic Thunder and Iron Man 2) and Jonah Hill is set to play the villain. Owen Wilson is not yet confirmed for returning as Hansel, but it just wouldn't be Zoolander without him.
Hansel. He's so hot right now. Hansel.
WEZ SEZ: Zoolander 2. Can't wait!
via Deadline
Ben Stiller,
Jonah Hill,
Justin Theroux,
Owen Wilson,
Zoolander 2
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mel B shaves her daughter's head...
Former Spice Girl and Mom of the Year recipient, Mel B got a new haircut and loved it so much she decided to give it to her two year old daughter (Angel) too. Poor girl. Not only does Angel have to grow up knowing that every time she watches a terrible movie starring Eddie Murphy she's watching her dad humiliate himself, she also has to know that her mom channeled all her neuroses into one awful haircut...
Sweet Shots: "The Situation" and Bar Refaeli...
Mike "The Situation" and Bar Refaeli posing for an upcoming spread in Interview Magazine. I guess the mag is taking to new heights of putting two people together that should NEVER be put together and doing an interview. Some say smart. Some say why...
Robert Pattinson is dating Kristen Stewart...
Bored yet? So am I.
In the most obvious round of gossip, it has (finally) been confirmed that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are a couple. Yawn. The two have been "dodging" rumors since filming began on the first Twilight film, and all the rumors seem to keep interest in the movies sky high. It really makes you wonder if the whole thing isn't just one big publicity stunt. Who knows...
But, Robert did talk to the UK Sun and said, “It is extremely difficult but we are together, yes. We can't arrive at the same time because of the fans. It goes crazy. This was supposed to be a public appearance as a couple but it's impossible." He was speaking of the BAFTAs - they were supposed to arrive together, but canceled at the last minute. Why? Perhaps the security wasn't enough to handle the teenage throngs who would have rushed the red carpet if they saw their two favorite stars together? "We are here together and it's a public event but it's not easy. We have to do all this stuff to avoid attention.” What stuff is he talking about? Not doing interviews with the Sun talking about being a couple, surely. Or not leaving the BAFTAs together (pictured above) surely.
Life is hard when you're every teenage girls' desire, but it's got to be even harder for the girl that is in a fake (or real) relationship with the object of their desire. Teenage girls have all those hormones and stuff. They'll cut a bitch...
Quotes via Radar Online
K stew,
kristen stewart,
R Pat,
Robert Pattinson,
UK Sun
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Whitney Houston can't sing (anymore)...
Yes, it's sad but true. The former diva can no longer sing. One of the greatest vocal performers of our generation is now running around stage speak-singing and dropping out to let the chorus singers sing all the high notes.
Whitney Houston is in the land down under for a short concert tour called "Nothing But Love" (when she arrived in Brisbane she threw a huge fit when her limo was 2 minutes late). Her show last night in Brisbane angered many fans however. Fans gave the performance mixed reviews with many saying she was coughing and taking breaks to try and catch her breath, and was sweating profusely. Many are expected to demand refunds. The negative reviews will surely hurt the tour as Brisbane was her first stop.
In an ill-guided attempt at damage control, the concert tour promoter, Andrew McManus spoke out to defend Houston. He said, "I saw the whole show. Was it an A? No, it was probably a B+. It was not a train wreck. She was hitting most of the notes. Yes, her throat was a little croaky. Her health is fine but she's also not 22 years of age anymore. She was on stage for two-and-a-half hours dancing, singing, running. Was she a little out of breath on a couple of songs? Yes, she was. But I don't apologise for that, she had a red-hot go."
Ouch! When your tour promoter says she hit "most" of the notes, that can't be good. Saying things like it was a "B+" and it wasn't a "train wreck" just make it sound like it was worse. He also added that Houston was surprised by the negative reviews saying, "she went to bed after the show giving a two-and-a-half hour solid performance. She was proud of it. She thought she gave her all and did a strong performance and I agreed with her. This was the first night of a tour after a long flight; she hasn't played for a while."
Here again he gives a compliment about the show ("strong performance") and follows up with an excuse for her ("she hasn't played in a while").
The unfortunate point is Whitney Houston threw her voice away with drug addiction and poor health. Hopefully she will stop ruining her voice further by doing more performances and either retire or get vocal help. Although it's OK to feel sorry for Whitney, it's not OK for her to be charging fans upwards of $195 AU for a performance that wouldn't pass on American Idol.
Quotes via Contact Music
andrew mcmanus,
nothing but love,
Whitney Houston
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Hurt Locker sweeps the BAFTAs...
The Hurt Locker won 6 prizes at last night's BAFTA ceremony. The war drama nearly shut out Avatar which only took home 2 of its 8 nominated prizes for Production Design and Visual Effects. With every awards show giving the top prize to a different film (Golden Globes: Avatar, BAFTA: Hurt Locker, SAG Awards: Inglourious Basterds), and with 10 films nominated for Best Picture Oscar, this year's Academy Awards ceremony might just be a surprise.
The two prizes that are guaranteed are in the supporting actor categories. Both Mo'Nique (for Precious) and Christoph Waltz (for Inglourious Basterds) tripled their awards last night (both also won SAG and Golden Globes).
The biggest surprises of last night were in the two best actor categories. Colin Firth won the top prize for his work in A Single Man and Carey Mulligan won for An Education. Neither are expected to repeat this win at the Oscars, but we shall see...
WEZ SEZ: The Hurt Locker deserves Best Picture Oscar. See it. Now.
See the full list of winners after the jump...
carey mulligan,
christoph waltz,
colin firth,
Golden Globes,
The Hurt Locker,
Jackie Earle Haley will be haunting children again...
"This version of Freddy is focusing [on] less camp and a little bit more of the scarier side. There's a little more focus on, what makes this guy who he is? There's a bit of a deeper kind of look at him. In my research I really started to delve into serial killers. I was studying Ed Kemper. They did a movie on him. It was a total slasher movie. It kind of pissed me off. And that's when I realized I'm playing a bogeyman, you know? That's what I'm really trying to embrace, but at the same time find out what makes this bogeyman tick. I think that when you start to get a sense of what makes somebody tick and you realize that [his] clock is kind of ticking out of whack, that's scary. That scares me in this world."
Haley is a true actor, and it will be wonderful to see this new vision brought to life. Not to worry all you Nightmare purists, he ends by saying that although he's having fun re-visioning the role, "you don't want to go so far that we've left what makes [the franchise] so cool and bitchin'."
Bitchin'. That's right. He called Nightmare on Elm Street bitchin'...
Read the full interview at Shock Till You Drop
Jude Law looks yummy...
Jude Law was at the Japanese premier of Sherlock Holmes looking a-mazing! He really knows how to mix high fashion with an "I don't care" attitude. Here are some sweet shots below...
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Candy Shop: Susan Sarandon got puked on and more...
The Candy Shop: Weekend Flavors
- Jessica Simpson has taken to her Twitter page in promotion for her new VH-1 reality show The Price of Beauty posting a shot of her in a La Mer mask. "Thanks La Mer for the upper and lower zone radiant mask." La Mer is a Hollywood star skincare favorite and is quite pricey. The mask she is using in the picture costs $320!

-Whitney Houston threw a diva fit at the Brisbane airport Saturday morning when her limo was a couple minutes late. She was quoted as yelling, "This is bull sh*t!" She also snapped at one of her fans who suggested she remove her glasses and hat to enjoy the beautiful Australia weather telling him to "mind his own f*cking business." Perhaps she didn't get enough sleep that on the plane? Or perhaps she's just a really prompt person. via Radar Online
- Jennifer Lopez is in full come-back mode! The singer / dancer / actor performed live at the 60th Annual Italian Music Festival in Sanremo, Italy on Friday. She sang her brand new song called "What Is Love" and she didn't fall down one time! The song will also be featured in her upcoming film The Back-up Plan. This Saturday, she will make her come-back complete NY style as she hosts and performs on Saturday Night Live! Watch her live performance below...
One hot Jonas Brother...
The Jonas Brothers took a break to toss a football on the beach in LA this past week. Joe Jonas is filming a new Disney movie called Chasing Butterfly's and his other bros stopped by to support.
Joe seems to be the least fashionable of the group proving just how bad skinny jeans can look on some guys. He has the whole "mom thighs" thing going. I guess he didn't get the memo: skinny jeans are for skinny people.
Kevin is cute in a nerdy sort of way.
Joe seems to be the least fashionable of the group proving just how bad skinny jeans can look on some guys. He has the whole "mom thighs" thing going. I guess he didn't get the memo: skinny jeans are for skinny people.
Kevin is cute in a nerdy sort of way.
But Nick (the youngest JoBro at 17)... boy looks good!
chasing butteryfly's,
Jonas Brothers,
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Maggie Grace will return to LOST...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a spoiler, but you can't say you didn't expect it, so get over it.
Maggie Grace is returning to the final season of LOST as Shannon Rutherford. She was one of the original cast members but her character died in season 2. The show's executive producer and mastermind, Carlton Cuse says "We're really excited about having her back on the show and we have a good story for her."
Other cast mates who will return later in the season are Michael Perrineau as Michael and Cynthia Watros as Libby. No word yet on how they plan on treating Walt. Surely they won't just ignore him. Surely...
Maggie Grace is returning to the final season of LOST as Shannon Rutherford. She was one of the original cast members but her character died in season 2. The show's executive producer and mastermind, Carlton Cuse says "We're really excited about having her back on the show and we have a good story for her."
Other cast mates who will return later in the season are Michael Perrineau as Michael and Cynthia Watros as Libby. No word yet on how they plan on treating Walt. Surely they won't just ignore him. Surely...
Friday, February 19, 2010
Crazy fashion (week)...
It's fashion week in NYC, and two stars made head-scratching fashion choices at recent shows. Pete Wentz was wheeled down the runway as Hannibal Lecter for his Clandestine fashion event. Scary. Why? And Pamela Anderson came as herself (and you could see ALL of her) for Richie Rich's A*MUSE show at Amnesia. Scary. Hot. See the pics below...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Shutter Island is finally going to be released...
Shutter Island is finally going to be released in cinemas this month. After many delays, the new Martin Scorsese picture starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Michelle Williams will open tomorrow. Because of the delays in release, they have been showing the previews since last summer... how sick of them are you?! Despite the repetitive advertising and all the hype, the film still looks pretty good. Leo, Michelle, and Marty were on hand last night at the world famous Ziegfeld Theatre in NYC to unveil their movie to NY audiences. Here they are looking beautiful at the premier...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Candy Shop: Britney Spears, Sandra Bullock, Lady Gaga, more...
The Candy Shop
-Dear God Amber Rose, what are you wearing?! If I was Kanye I would ask you in ALL CAPS to kindly change this horrendous outfit.
-Lady Gaga always knows what to wear to get people to turn their heads. She was the night's big winner at the Brit Awards winning Best International Female, International Album for The Fame and International Breakthrough Act. She also won the evening for most outrageous
-Britney Spears is the poster girl for Candie's and they just released their brand new campaign for 2010. She was shot by famed photographers Annie Leibovitz, Mark Seliger and Terry Richardson. She looks amazing and released a statement saying, "Annie, Mark and Terry are three of the biggest photographers in the world. I am honored to be working with them for my Candie's Only at Kohl's ads. It was an amazing shoot, and I know my fans are going to love the cool images." See the rest of the shoot after the jump...
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