Friday, November 13, 2009

Levi Johnston calls Jon Gosselin a "good dad"...

Levi Johnston finished part one of his Playgirl photo shoot in NYC yesterday. His manager Tank Jones said it was "fantastic" and that people will see more of Johnston "than they thought".  Apparently there was a hockey stick involved in the shoot - what kind of hockey stick is still to be determined.

Before his photo shoot, Johnston met Jon Gosselin to chat and exchange parenting tips. It was as if the universe willed two of the best fathers on the planet to get together and help each other become even better. The only father that was missing at the meeting was Kevin Federline (who was too busy stuffing his face with Brit Brit's money). If he could have made it, it would have been the perfect trifecta of fathers, but alas...

Levi had a lot to say about Gosselin: "He's a good guy. He's kind of in the same situation I am right now. He's a good dad and he gets a lot of bad press. He's getting the same bad image as I am and it ain't true. I can relate to that."

Johnston plans to take his Playgirl money and party really hard for like a month. Gosselin plans to steal more money from Kate to woo another girlfriend under the age of 25, and K-Fed plans on eating some more.

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