Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Juicy Story: Stewart slams Hannity

Juicy Story:

"The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart accused Fox New's Sean Hannity of splicing video together to make a rally look larger than it actually was. The video shows protesters against the healthcare bill walking in DC on a crisp fall day (with yellow leaves), and the very next clip has seemingly the same group of people standing next to trees covered in green leaves. Stewart claims this was done to make the turnout at the rally seem larger than it actually was. The Washington Post estimated the number of protestors at 10,000 while Hannity and Rep. Michelle Bachmann claim the number was between 20,000 and 45,000.  
Watch the Video Below:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Uses Glenn Beck's Protest Footage

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Fox News (the supposed "Fair and Balanced" News Network) has not released a statement concerning the allegations as of Wednesday, but did say that Sean Hannity would make a statement on his show. Instead of running to the TV to flip on Fox News however, why don't you just keep your eyes here for what he has to say...
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