Five year old Giuliano Stroe from Romania is not only in the Guinness Book of World Records for the fastest ever 10-meter hand-stand walk with a weight ball held between the legs (why is that even a category?), but he can also beat your kid up at the playground. It seems his skinny dad has finally found a way to compensate and is giving a whole new meaning to a second chance on life.
Apparently Father-of-the-Year-Runner-Up Iulian Stroe (he lost to Jon Gosselin) has had his son training in the gym since he was 2 years old! But not to worry, Iulian promised that Giuliano is never allowed to practice by himself. What a huge relief... Giuliano is only allowed to pump iron when his dad is there to make him do an extra set. Otherwise he may slack off.
But seriously, Giuliano's dad makes beauty pageant contestant moms seem normal. Check out the video of some amazing things that this 5 year old can do that you can't. Also consider donating money to the "Protect Giuliano's Class from being beat up by a Freakishly Strong 5 Year Old" Fund...