Remember Pee Wee? Paul Reubens does, and the 57 year old actor is ready to dust off the old bow-tie and take the show back to the stage - where it all began.
Many people are not aware, but his hit TV show was inspired by his stage show which toured the country, and eventually became Tim Burton's directorial debut "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" in 1986. It's been over 20 years since the movie, and now Paul Reuben's has his eye set on returning to the silver screen. But first he has to prove to the studios that people still love Pee Wee Herman. They do don't they?
Paul Reuben's fall from the public's grace involved charges of child pornography in 2002 which were later reduced to misdemeanor possession of obscenity. All the while claiming his innocence, Reuben's name was being soiled in the tabloids.
"It's a drag to have tabloid baggage. It's weird to have your career be a footnote to that, especially when you love what you do. I'm not giving people that power anymore." -Paul Reubens to Details Magazine, 2009
The question still remains, "Do people still love Pee Wee Herman?" His four week limited engagement will play Club Nokia at LA Live (tickets now available at ticketmaster.com) starting in January. It is a show aimed at an adult audience and the website says it is "appropriate for kids age 16 to 106." How the show is received will be the test on whether or not his next movie gets made.
What do you think? Would you see "The Pee Wee Herman Show Live on Stage", or is it too little too late? Until we see how the public feels about Pee Wee Herman 20 years later, here's a clip from the original movie...
WEZ Sez: Pee Wee Herman- Sugar Rush (*****) Can't wait for more...